1. A New School in the Kogui Village of Abelizhi
Photos courtesy of Global Heritage Fund
Ableizhi, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
Comunidad de Abelizhi, Global Heritage Fund, Fundación de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Ambientales Tayrona-FIAAT.
Create a participatory model of construction that would increase the access to primary education of children, especially girls from the Kogui community.
Purchase of materials and preparation of wood and construction area.
Construction of three classrooms.
Painting, cleaning and presentation of the school to the community members.
The construction of three classrooms in the school of Ableizhi provide a safe space, consistent with the needs of the community to carry out pedagogical activities related to all elementary school education.
Kogui Families of the Abliezhi Community
2. Construction of Recycling Depots for the Sierra Viva Program - Phase II
Phoros counrtesy of Corporación Horizontes.
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, poblados de Nabusimake, Gamake, Zikta, Gunchukwa, Minas de Hiracal, La Honda.
Corporación Horizontes, Corporación Indígena Tayrona (CIT), Romin SAS, Tetra Pak, Fundación Grupo Familia, Juan Valdez Café (Procafecol), Give to Colombia.
Continue supporting Sierra Viva and build six new depots for solid waste storage, as well as carry out training workshops in environmental sustainability for indigenous leaders of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
Design and implement an intercultural training program for indigenous Arhuaco leaders, aimed at strengthening their skills and competencies in environmental sustainability with an emphasis on integrated solid waste management.
Socialization and choice of the land for the construction sites.
Purchase and transportation of materials for construction.
Construction of 6 depots.
Rituals done by the Mamo to spiritually clean and baptize the depots.
The depots have allowed long-term waste storage, ensuring that it does not get wet or damaged, thus facilitating conservation for recycling.
Optimization of transportation logistics.
The depots have been appropriated by the community, becoming part of their local environmental culture.The Sierra Viva program had become more visible as it now has spaces dedicated solely to waste management used not only by families, but by the health centres, local producers and other institutions.
Currently, the community has physical spaces built with characteristics of cultural syncretism that generate confidence in the project.
Arhuaco and Farming Communities Members
3. Construction of a Play Area in "La Arboleda" Park
Fotos cortesía de la Fundación Fanalca.
Cali, Valle del Cauca
Fundación Fanalca, Alcaldía de Cali, Fundación Paz y Bien, LATCO S.A. - Francisco Angulo Ingenieros Ltda., Fundación John Ramirez Moreno, Fundación Arturo y Enrica Sesana, SIDOC S.A. Fundación WWB Colombia, Gases de Occidente.
Build the children's playground area in the "La Arboleda" to transform the living spaces of the inhabitants of the district Potrero Grande, an area of high vulnerability.
Preparation of the playground area.
Earthmoving and conformation of the land.
Installation of foundations and floors.
Installation of rubber flooring.
Installation of playground elements.
The park promotes social processes that foster the development of harmonious relations among members of the community and provides a safe space for recreational, social and educational activities.
People living in the Potrero Grande neighborhood
Children and Youth living in Potrero Grande
4. Construction of a Playground for "El Jardín de Sofi"
Fundación Catalina Muñoz, Fundación Hogar Integral, Give to Colombia
Adapt an existing courtyard in the Early Childhood Development Center for the realization of artistic and recreational activities.
Roofing of the courtyard of the ECDC (supply and installation of shingles and electric network).
Improvement of existing walls.
Installation of new floors (tile and synthetic grass).
Installation of the playground elements.
With the construction of the playground and an art classroom, we could provide children a safe space for their recreational, educational, and artistic activities, promoting their comprehensive care.