1. Preserving the Tropical Dry Forest in Montes de María - Phase II
Montes de María, Sucre and Bolívar
Fundación Herencia Ambiental Caribe, Fundación Proyecto Titi, Parques Nacionales Naturales, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
As per phase one, through the contribution to the project we wanted to increase the area of conservation of tropical dry forests and improve the quality of life of the farming communities.
Identification and selection of participants located within a conservation corridor that connects with the Los Colorados Flora and Fauna Sanctuary.
Environmental characterization of the property.
Definition of conservation areas within each farm.
Screening of the conservation areas.
Implementation of a training program for farming communities.
Preparation of family gardens and a silvopastoral pilots per farm.
Development of hen-breeding and egg production system.
Implementation of a beekeeping system.
Implementation of the workshops to strengthen the Local Protected Areas System Committee.
Monitoring of key species for the conservation corridor associated with the Sanctuary.
The ecological connectivity of the territory increased by 21.9% in the sector covered by the project.
30 families have access to a diversity of foods and the opportunity to produce them on their farms, reducing the purchase of food, generating greater options for food security and the possibility of allocating resources to meet other needs.
30 families have been strengthening their knowledge of the environmental connectivity process and have undertaken conservation initiatives, predominantly tree planting.
The annual variation in the families' income increased by an average of 37%.
51 primate were recorded, of which 30 were Alouatta seniculus, 18 Saguinus oedipus and 3 Ateles fusciceps.
farming families
2. Inclusive Recycling in Tierra Bomba
Tierra Bomba Community Council, ASORETIBO Cartagena Amigable Recyclying Center
Corregimiento of Tierra Bomba, Cartagena, Bolívar
Strengthen the inclusive recycling program by building and equipping a temporary storage warehouse for recyclable materials.
Support the environmental education processes in the community through clean up and recycling campaigns with volunteers aboard the Antares 71.
Definition of the design for construction work. Transportation of materials and equipment required for cleaning and construction.
Cleaning and intervention of civil works in the lot Manufacture of modular parts for enclosure of the temporary storage area Installation.
Purchase and delivery of furniture and tools.
Purchase and delivery of equipment for local recyclers.
Clean up and material pick-up visits aboard Antares 71.
This project has allowed to promote the work of localy recyclers in the community, who initially worked informally.
Today recyclers have the equipment, tools, a temporary storage warehouse for recyclable waste and the necessary knowledge to provide quality pick-up services.
Tierra Bomba is the first island community in Cartagena to have a temporary storage warehouse and is the first to have a legally constituted and operating recyclers association, with routes and users.
65% of the houses in Tierra Bomba recycle and deliver recyclable material to their local recycler.
community members of Tierra Bomba
3. Child-friendly - A Playground in Uribia
Uribia, Guajira.
Dutch Relief Alliance - DRA, UNICEF, Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other national associations of Children's Villages, such as SOS Norway, SOS Spain, SOS Netherlands
Due to the humanitarian situation of migrants coming from Venezuela, the Foundation decided to support projects for the protection of children arriving in Colombia. That's why one of the projects focused on promoting quality playtime of children in the Tres de Abril community of Uribia by building a community playground.
Increase the impact of services provided to children, teenagers and their families in the 14 child-friendly spaces where child protection and risk prevention activities are carried out under the project to respond to the migration flow between Colombia and Venezuela.
Implementation of a workshop with participants (adults and children) to define the type of space to design and build.
Purchase and transportation of equiment. Installation of equipment. Inauguration of the space.
Construction of a playground that includes swings, slides, tunnels, based on community preferences, using materials that resist the climate conditions of the area.
Purchase of equipment for 14 child friendly spaces that include basic furniture (tables and chairs) and teaching material.
4. Transformation of Early Childhood Development Centers in Tumaco
Tumaco, Nariño
Colombian Institute of Family Welfare, Mayor of Tumaco, PLP - Primero Lo Primero, Early Childhood Service Providers.
The support was aimed at promoting quality comprehensive early childhood care in 23 care centres, by strengthening teachers' skills and transforming learning spaces.
Assessment of the current state of care in 23 early childhood development centres.
Technical and pedagogical strengthening of the teaching staff.
Transformation of learning spaces to strengthen the pedagogical process and care.
88% of teachers improved their knowledge.
23 centres have a new learning spaces.
100% of the centers obtained improvements in the quality of care.
Children (ages 0 to 5)
5. Mobile Care and Improvement of Community Infrastructure for the Protection of Migrants from Venezuela
Norte de Santander, Soacha and Nariño
JRS Ecuador, Hermanas Adoratrices, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje ( SENA), Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR), Instituto Departamental de Salud
In an effort to respond to the humanitarian Venezuelan crisis, the project with JRS was aimed at deploying mobile structures and supporting the development of initiatives for the improvement of community social infrastructure, to facilitate the provision of humanitarian aid services and protection to the migrant population
Purchase of mobile infrastructures.
Construction and infrastructural improvements needed to enable the functioning of the community spaces.
Implementation of humanitarian missions which included: delivery of food kits, shelter and health kits, health brigades, legal advice and psychosocial accompaniment.
Development of community integration processes to promote a culture of collaboration among migrant and host communities.
In Nariño, two community infrastructures were adapted, benefiting approximately 33,703 people.
In Norte de Santander, three community infrastructures were adapted benefiting 5.400 people.
In Nariño and Soacha three mobile spaces are in use, through which humanitarian assistance and legal guidance has been provided to 5.855 people.
This has allowed the migrant population to access their rights, especially the right to health by migrant women and access to the education system by children, adolescents and young people.
The construction of community infrastructure promoted community strengthening processes benefitting 193 people in the communities of Tibú and Nueva Ilusión in Norte de Santander and in the neighborhood Corazón de Jesús in Pasto
People form the refugee, migrant and host communities
6. Apartments La Esperanza - A New Home in Mocoa
Corporación Minuto de Dios, Give to Colombia - OXY, Club El Nogal
Mocoa, Putumayo
Support 20 families who completely lost their homes due to the natural disaster that affected the municipality of Mocoa in 2017.
Tower 1 of the La Esperanza project, with 20 apartments, was completed on August 30, 2020, after 18 months of construction:
Industrialized concrete structure system
5 floors
20 apartments of 52.75 m2 each
3 bedrooms per apartment
Stakeout, location and excavation.
Reinforcement steel assembly of the foundation beams and foundations.
Location and excavation of the rainwater and sewage system.
Casting of the structure.
Installation of the masonry and the metal framework for the roof.
Construction of ceilings and overfloors.
Installation of ceramics in common areas, stucco and painting.
Installation of Graniplast on the facade
Construction of the perimeter platform, ornamentation, and installation of ceramic floor.
Social activities:
From the database of victims of the avalanche, a pre-selection of 60 homes was made and home visits were made to 37 families.
Based on the criteria established for the selection of the families and the information collected in the home visits, the vulnerability indexes were qualified and the families that would benefit from the program were defined.